LaToya Burrell
Welcome to my website. I’m so excited to give you a glimpse into who I am, what’s in my heart, and how I am Boldly Working Towards Change!
I wear multiple hats: wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend! I am also an Executive Director, DEI&B champion, attorney, former higher education dean, and mentor! Above all else, I am a child of God and follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My newest titles include change agent and writer! So why the new titles? After the murder of George Floyd, I was inspired to BOLDLY do something! A change is needed so I decided to be the change that I want to see. That included writing a book, launching a YouTube channel, writing articles on the Medium, and having courageous conversations both formally and informally! As a black woman, my experiences in America have been paramount to who I am today! As a mother of two black sons, I want my children to live in the best world imaginable. I want our world to be a reflection of our creator. I want to see Heaven on Earth!

Be Bold: How to Prepare Your Heart & Mind for Racial Reconciliation

I am extremely excited to share my new book, Be Bold: How to Prepare Your Heart & Mind for Racial Reconciliation!
I was inspired to write this book after the tragic death of George Floyd. Sure this wasn’t the first racial injustice that I have witnessed, but something felt different this time. I knew I had to do something. With a heart after Christ and ultimate goal of racial harmony, I believe that racial reconciliation will take place when we humble ourselves and are open to have courageous conversations. When we are willing to humbly step into a place of openness and listen and learn, true exploration of self and healing can begin and we can all boldly walk into our purposes.
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